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I noticed him winking at his brother.

I noticed a subtle change in his attitude. 我注意到他的态度发生了微妙的变化。
I noticed a swift change of expression in his face. 我注意到他脸上的表情很快地变化。
I noticed fairly early that her descriptions are slyly non-descriptive. 我很早就注意到她的描写不仅仅是简单描写。
I noticed from the bar that he kept following you, watching what you were doing. 我在吧台那里看到他一直跟着,盯着你做事呢。
I noticed him slipping away before the end of the meeting. 我注意到他在会议结束之前悄悄溜走了。
I noticed him winking at his brother. 我察觉他对他兄弟眨眼示意。
I noticed how colorful and serene a sunset could be when you took time to enjoy it. 我注意到,当我花时间去欣赏日落时,那是多么的五彩缤纷和宁静。
I noticed scores of sorrow on her face. 我注意到她脸上悲痛的痕迹。
I noticed that snowflakes were being driven right under the insulating rubber around the windows. 我注意到,雪片儿一个劲儿地往玻璃四周的橡胶密封条下面钻。
I noticed that you advertised a job in this morning’s paper. 我看到你们在今早的报纸上刊登的招聘广告。
I noticed the boy digging a hole in the wall. 我注意到那个男孩正在墙上挖洞。

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