Mao Zedong's forces would regroup and defeat the KMT after World War II.
二战结束后,毛泽东重新组织了武装力量并最终战胜了国民党。 |
Mao Zedong's idea of people supervision is not accidental, It has its historical inevitability and theoretical and practical sources.
摘要毛泽东人民监督思想的产生决不是偶然性的,而是有其历史必然性,有其深刻的理论与实践渊源。 |
Mao Zedong, who believed nature could be shaped to man's purpose, wrote a poem about turning the treacherous Three Gorges into a navigable lake.
而坚信人定胜天的毛泽东更以“截断巫山云雨,高峡出平湖”的诗句来表达他的愿望。 |
Mao also suggested the establishing of a number of low-level or middle-level cinemas so that those on low-income could afford to see movies in cinemas.
毛院长还建议,设立一些中低档次的影院,让低收入群体也能看得起在电影院里放映的电影。 |
Mao could not do this in China.
毛在中国没能这样做。 |
Mao cracked down ruthlessly; by 1960, addiction was virtually gone.
毛泽东扫毒毫不留情,到了1960年,鸦片烟瘾者几乎绝迹。 |
Mao did it, Stalin also did the same.
毛是这样,斯大林也是这样。 |
Mao said of him, “… We must all learn the spirit of absolute selflessness from him.
毛泽东说“……我们必须学习他毫不利已的精神”。 |
Mao's armies of landless and disgruntled peasants would be hard to recreate in today's more effectively controlled China.
毛泽东那种由没有土地的和不满的农民组成的军队恐怕在今天如此有效操控的中国是难以再度建立起来了。 |
Mao) This shit has a distinctly Chinese character.
毛泽东:大便有著明确的中国人性格。 |
Maodong Company insists the enterprise developing policy of Lead by Markets,First with S&T,Management with Science,and untiring to pioneer and enterprise,bring new products next olds,seek product perfectly.We offer perfect engineering design,excellent pro
茅东企业坚持以“市场导向、科技领先、科学管理”为企业发展方针,以不懈的努力开拓进取,推陈出新,追求完美,以丰富的经验为用户提供完善的工程设计,优良的产品和优质的服务。 |