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A: You're telling me!I'm a veteran in this business.

A: You're not serious, are you? 你在开玩笑吧?
A: You're right. If I go when the emba y ope , it won't be so busy. 你说得对。如果大使馆一开门我就去,人就不会那么多。
A: You're right. We're going to expand production this year. We're going to make more ma , guidebooks and postcards. 你说得对。我们今年将扩大生产规模。我们打算制作更多的地图、导游手册和明信片。
A: You're right. We're going to expand production this year. We're going to make more maps, guidebooks and postcards. 你说得对。我们今年将扩大生产规模。我们打算制作更多的地图、导游手册和明信片。
A: You're saying that you didn't steal the loaf of bread? 你是说那条面包不是你偷的?
A: You're telling me!I'm a veteran in this business. 不用你教训我!我是这行的老手。
A: You're working tonight as well? Don't overdo it. 你今晚也要工作?别工作过头了。
A: You've been studying so hard for the finals.You probably got sick. 你为了准备期末考试太用功了。可能生病了。
A: You've done excellent work. (你干得太出色了。)
A: You've got a great butt! 你的屁股真赞!
A: You've got a new microwave oven! Where did you get it? 你有新的微波炉了!什么地方买的?

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