In January 1973, Britain became a full member of the European Economic Community which was still called the Common Market in 1973. Britain witnessed the first oil embargo in 1973.
1973年1月,英国终于成为欧洲经济共同体的正式成员国。1973年仍称为共同市场。1973年英国经历了第一次石油禁运。 |
In January 1973, Britain became a full member of the European Economic Community which was still called the Common Market in 1973. Britain witnessed the first oil shock in 1973.
1973年1月,英国终于成为欧洲经济共同体的正式成员国。1973年仍称为共同市场。1973年英国经历了第一次石油禁运。 |
In January 1987, the PBOC for the first time allowed PRC commercial banks to set the interest rates for Renminbi-denominated lending within a range that is 10% lower to 20% higher than the PBOC benchmark rate.
于1987年1月,中国人民银行首次让国内商业银行以高于中国人民银行基准利率20%的上限及低于10%的下限范围厘定人民币借款的利率。 |
In January 1989, in protest for being indicted for treasonas the consequence of publishing a new draft constitution, he self-immolated in the editorial office of his magazine.
一九八九年一月,他因刊登宪法草案而被官方以「叛乱罪」起诉,为抗议此项控诉最后自焚于《自由时代周刊》总编辑室内。 |
In January 2000, those leaders planted Grace Chinese Baptist Church as a satellite.
2000年1月,教会牧者和执事们植建华恩浸信会为一个子会。 |
In January 2001 tickets went on sale for Kylie's first major tour in nine years.
2000年1月,凯莉九年以来的首次大型巡演开始了。 |
In January 2001, a piece of copper wire measured 4 mm in length was removed from the inferior chamber angle of her right eye.
于1997年三月,接受白内障摘除术;于2001年一月,由右眼前房下隅角取出一段长约四毫米的铜线;于六月接受视网膜电位仪检查;并于九月,接受右眼小梁切除术。 |
In January 2003, she was named presiding judge over a three-judge panel hearing a dispute between two local companies over the price of seeds.
2003年1月,作为三人合议庭的主审法官,她审了一个当地两个公司间因种子价格问题而引发的诉讼。 |
In January 2004, the AFCD began extending the trial scheme to other fish culture zones.
在2003年1月,渔农自然护理署更将试验计划扩展到其他海鱼养殖区。 |
In January 2004, the Stardust spacecraft flew through the coma of comet Wild2 and captured thousands of cometary dust grains in special aerogel collectors.
在2004年1月,星尘号飞船从“怀尔特2”彗星的彗发中穿过并用专门的气凝胶收集器捕获了数千彗星尘埃颗粒。 |
In January 2006, global polio eradication partners announced a new strategic approach of targeting type 1 polio, the most difficult to control.
2006年1月,全球根除小儿痲痹夥伴宣布一种锁定最难控制的第一型小儿痲痹的新策略。 |