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The thirsty animals headed for the water.

The third, or main wave, is the slowest and has travelled round the earth through the surface rocks. 第三种波,即主波,是最慢的,是围绕地球通过表面岩石传来的。
The third, the special flavoring, is added to enhance the taste of the base, and often also adds the color to the cocktail. 第三级,是特调,用以加强基底的滋味,也经常用来赋予鸡尾酒以色彩。
The third-deepest soil zone in ABC soil, unaltered by weathering and made up of the parent rock from which the two uppermost layers derive as well as other mineral materials. 剖面层ABC土壤剖面层中深度排第三的剖面层,不受风化的影响,由上两层及其他矿物组成的母岩所构成
The third-month Fair, a traditional festival of the Bai ethnic group in Dali, Yunnan Province, dates back 1300 years to the Tang Dynasty. 三月街是云南大理白族人民的传统节日,可以追溯到1300年前的唐朝。
The third-party payment platform, separating from parties who are trading, acting as a just, authoritative and trustful role, is developing very fast in China. 摘要第三方支付平台作为独立于交易各方的公正的、权威的、值得信赖的第三方支付机构,在我国发展非常迅速。
The thirsty animals headed for the water. 干渴的动物向水走去。
The thirsty man craved for water. 那个囗渴的人渴喝水。
The thirsty man craved water. 这位口渴的人很想要喝水。
The thirteen-year-old was taken to a remote farm area and police say he was able to untie his hands and walked to get help. 警察说这个13岁的男孩在被带到了一个偏远的农田区后,能够自己解开双手并徒步寻求救援。
The thirty pound stingray died in the boat. 那条30磅重的黄貂鱼已死在船上。
The thirty-second day out of Bombay began inauspiciously. 离开孟买的第三十二天就开始就出现了不详之兆。

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