One experimental clean-energy car runs on natural gas. Another uses ethanol distilled from corn. A third has a zero-emissions electric motor powered by a hydrogen fuel cell.
一辆尚处于实验阶段的清洁能源汽车依靠天然气行驶。另一辆使用从谷物蒸馏而来的酒精。第三辆则装有由氢燃料电池提供能量的零排放发动机。 |
One experimental group has made a case for phonons to be the cause of the kink—a result that would upset the conventional wisdom about unconventional superconductors.
一个实验小组提出证据,认为弯折是由声子造成的,这个结果会颠覆传统上对于非传统超导体的想法。 |
One expert estimates that if you visit one hot spring a week, it will take you 40 years to visit them all!
据一位专家估计,如果你每星期参观一处温泉,你得要用40年的时间才能把所有的温泉参观完。 |
One explanation could be that the private capital outflow from Asia offsets the current account surplus.
一种解释便是,亚洲私人资本流出抵消了经常帐户盈余。 |
One explanation for the rise of these two conditions is the hygiene hypothesis.
对于这两种疾病增加,有一个解释是卫生假设。 |
One expression from the box office hit The Queen,for which Helen Mirren won the best actress Oscar, made the list.
源于票房大片《女王》中的一句表达也榜上有名,海伦·米伦凭借该片赢得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。 |
One extra dimension can be wrapped up only in a circle.
一个额外维度只能缠绕成一个圈圈。 |
One extremely important thing that many combatives and reality-based systems lack is the clinch, and this is where muaythai excels.
一个很多格斗术和现实自卫体系所缺乏的东西是箍颈,而这正是泰拳所擅长的。 |
One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.
百闻不如一见。 |
One eyewitness is better than two hearers.
一个目睹者胜过两个道听途说的人. /耳听为虚,眼见为实. |
One fact that you must come to appreciate early in your investigation of microbiology is that you are constantly and universally surrounded by, and harboring, a world of microorganisms.
开始研究微生物之初,你就应会赞叹的事实是微生物的世界随时随地会在你的四周与体内。 |