Khalid Boulahrouz receives his first call-up for Holland as a Chelsea player.
布拉鲁兹在转会到切尔西以后第一次入选了国家队。 |
Khalidi. Khaki and Ethnic Violence in India.Pp. 53-115.
在印度的军队与种族暴力冲突〉;53-115页。 |
Khalifman is fed up with tortures in the French Defense and the Caro-Kann against Leko. In this game he opted for the sharp Sicilian Defense.
哈里夫曼受够了同列科下法兰西防御和卡罗·康防御。在这局棋中他选择了尖锐的西西里防御。 |
Khan said special prayers were offered by Taliban fighters in camps in Afghanistan to mark bin Laden's birth on March 10, 1957, in the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah.
可汗说,本·拉登于1957年3月10日出生于沙特阿拉伯的城市吉达,为了庆祝他50周岁生日,塔利班组织的成员们在地处阿富汗的军营为他举行了特殊的祈祷。 |
Khazanah, the national investment authority and Proton's main shareholder, is also reluctant to sell because of the write-down it would take. (4)To complicate matters further Proton's management, in an effort to assert control, has signed vague letters of
宝腾的管理层为了尽力维护自己对宝腾的掌控权,已经同标志、中国奇瑞等汽车制造商签订了意向书,但内容含糊其辞,目的就是要把问题搞得更加扑朔迷离。 |
Khenpo A-chos died lying on his right side.
堪布阿曲死时右侧而卧。 |
Khmer script follows complex rules of layout in which consonants may take two different forms (e.g., the small form is placed on a lower line if it immediately follows another consonant).
库美尔文字的排列规则比较复杂,辅音可以有两种形式(例如,当辅音紧跟另一个辅音时,采用小写形式写在较低处)。 |
Khoo is bi-lingual in Chinese and English and a few other dialects.
他能流利地说中文和英文以及其它方言。 |
Khruschev was a very excitable and loud-mouthed person.
赫鲁晓夫是个感情容易冲动又爱叽里呱啦的人。 |
Khrushchev wanted a resolution to the contest over Berlin, yet he chose the most dangerous possible way to force one: via nuclear confrontation in Cuba.
赫鲁晓夫想要在柏林问题上抢得先机,然而,他却采取了一条最危险的方法:将核武器运入古巴。 |
Khrushchev's secret report to criticize Stalin brought a great disturbance to the Communist camp, which is one of the focal point of the Sino-Soviet Dispute then after.
摘要赫鲁晓夫在苏共二十大上的秘密报告在国际上引起了轩然大波,也是后来中苏大论战的一个焦点问题。 |