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You'd better to backup your document to prevent the operation system breaking down.

You'd better tell him yourself. 你最好亲自去跟他说。
You'd better tend to your own affairs. 你还是管好自己的事情吧!
You'd better think it over carefully. 你最好仔细考虑一下。
You'd better think over before you make the decision of buying goods in bulk. 在你决定成批购买这些货物之前,你应该三思而行。
You'd better think twice before you leave that job! 辞去那工作之前,你最好三思而后行。
You'd better to backup your document to prevent the operation system breaking down. 你最好定期备份你的文件,以防系统崩溃。
You'd better to keep quiet than to make noise. 最好保持沉默而不要出声.
You'd better to keep slient . 最好保持沉默而不要出声.
You'd better tone down the more offensive remarks in your article. 你最好把你文章里的攻击性词句写得含蓄些.
You'd better watch your step if you want to keep this job. 如果你想保住这份工作的话,你最好谨小慎微。
You'd better watch your step! 您最好脚下留神。

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