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On the basis of the reptured tube at the final superheater of No. 4 boiler in Yangluo power plant, the tee junction effectof terminal header on flux distribution in superheater was analysed, a mathematical model was founded to calculate the tube temperatu

On the basis of the principles of harmonious coexistence between man and river as well as ecological health, Kuxi River is improved with Eco-Hydraulic Engineering. 摘要以人水和谐、生态健康作为工程总体定位,运用生态水工学理念对重庆市苦溪河进行了生态治理。
On the basis of the promotion of the noise control standard in vehicles, using the domestic and international recent research result of active noise control, combining the vehicles own characteristics, this article explains in detail the research of activ 摘要基于国内对汽车车内噪声控制标准的提升,运用目前国内外对噪声主动控制方面的研究成果,结合汽车本身的特点,利用压电陶瓷对车内噪声进行主动控制的研究。
On the basis of the publicized documents, file, and oral data, this paper delineates the history starting from the planning of Chaozhou University to the launching of Shantou University in the cultural context of Chaoshan people's traditional emphasis on 摘要利用公开文献、档案材料和口述资料,勾勒出从潮州大学倡建到汕头大学兴办的历史,并把这段历史放到潮汕地区重视教育和海外移民的文化背景下去理解,揭示海外潮人对家乡大学建设的推动与贡献。
On the basis of the questionnaire investigation carried on to the countryside of Gaomi city of Shandong, which located in the eastern plain, the author described the characteristics of peasants' moving decision and draw the following conclusion Life satis 本文基于对地处东部平原地区的山东省高密市农村进行的问卷调查,描述了中国农民流动决策的特点及其原因并得出以下结论:生活满意度对农民的流动决策有显著的影响;流向方面,农民有流向城市打工的愿望,却没有相同程度的定居意愿;在手段上,主要借助传统的社会关系,而不是市场因素或者官方力量;动机方面,农民的流动逐渐倾向于发展型的流动。
On the basis of the reasons for credit risks of the state-owned commercial banks being analyzed, this paper points out that high non-performing loans rate is due to the lack of effective macro and microcosmic systems in China. 在分析我国商业银行信用风险形成原因的基础上,指出经济转轨过程中宏观和微观的有效制度的双重缺失是造成商业银行不良贷款率居高不下的根本原因。
On the basis of the reptured tube at the final superheater of No. 4 boiler in Yangluo power plant, the tee junction effectof terminal header on flux distribution in superheater was analysed, a mathematical model was founded to calculate the tube temperatu 摘要分析了进口等径三通对过热器管流量分配的影响,建立了过热器壁温计算模型,并以华能阳逻电厂4号炉高温过热器爆管为例,对涡流效应的大小进行了分析,提出了消除涡流效应的措施。
On the basis of the research about liquid milk marketing way of Bright milk, firstly the paper discusses the promoting function of the combination of modern marketing way and traditional marketing way to expand the market space, secondly it discusses the 摘要该文从研究光明乳业液态奶的营销渠道入手,分析了现代渠道和传统渠道组合;产品与营销渠道组合的多元模式对液态奶企业拓展市场空间,提高市场占有率的促进作用。
On the basis of the research of mutation induced by space flight in recent years, the basic theory of mutation breeding induced by space flight and its application were discussed. 摘要在综述了国内外近几十年来空间诱变方面的研究成果的基础上,初步论述了应用空间诱变技术进行航天育种的理论基础和实践可行性。
On the basis of the research of the process and characteristic of knowledge decompose and appraisement, the paper finds Work Breakdown Structure is a appropriate method to solve problems, and offers references for knowledge management. 摘要通过分析知识分解和知识评价的过程和特点,发掘了工作分解结构法在知识分解和知识评价中的应用,为成功实施知识管理提供参考。
On the basis of the retrospect of the excavation and the research of the Erlitou site at Yanshi in Henan and the Xia Culture, this paper explores the causes of dispute between Chinese and foreign scholars on the study of early states in China, in terms of 摘要文章通过对河南堰师二里头遗址发掘以及夏文化研究的回顾,从认知方法、考古学範例、文献的运用、推论程式和通则、个案五个方面,剖析了中外学者在中国早期国家研究中存在歧见的原因。
On the basis of the rheological properties of roller compacted concrete, viscoelastic parameters for RCC dams are retrieved by selecting an appropriate viscoelastic constitutive model and considering the measured data, and the corresponding analysis progr 摘要针对碾压混凝土的流变特性,选取合适的粘弹性本构模型,结合实测资料,进行碾压混凝土坝粘弹性参数的反演,并编制了相应的反演分析程序。

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