During lunch hour today, I passed by a wet market in tai po and saw an abandoned bear plush near the rubbish bin, and the bear look cute and poor, so i took pictures for it by my mobile phone.
今日下午午饭时,我和同事们向大埔墟方向步行,途中经过大埔墟街市,发现一只类似小狗的物体瑟缩在垃圾筒旁边,近看原来是一只被遗弃的啡熊公仔,给我的感觉是很令人怜悯而造型也很可爱,所以我用手机拍下几张照片留念。 |
During machining, ultrasonic vibration of workpiece can improve the machining process.
在加工过程中,通过超声波振动,工件加工工艺得到改善。 |
During many years of neglect, the branches of banyan trees have wrapped themselves around the old warehouse, and their leaves have covered the roof like tiles.
在荒废了多年之后,榕树枝把老旧的仓库团团包覆,而树叶也如砖瓦般覆盖了屋顶。 |
During measurement,it banned to smash the owygen probe otherwise it would break the cell and quartz.
探头在使用前和使用中严防摔打和撞击,以防半电池和石英管断裂影响测量效果。 |
During measurement,the immersion period of the probe in the molten steel should no exceed 8 second.
测量时按要求控制好探头在钢水中停留的深度和时间,时间不得超过8秒。 |
During meditation brain waves alter.
冥想时的脑波改变。 |
During meditation, the cells of the mind become aware of the life in the spirit.
冥想时,大脑细胞会感知到灵魂的生活。 |
During mitosis, sister chromatids remain joined by their centromere until anaphase.
在有丝分裂期间,姐妹染色单体在分裂后期之前都是通过着丝点连接的。 |
During most of the journey Celia reconstructed the day's events, especially her own part in them.
归途中,大部分时间西莉亚都在回忆白天发生的事情,特别是自己的所作所为。 |
During most of these years they have sexual intercourse but do not want to become pregnant, either because the time is not rightfor them or because they do not want more children than they already have.
在多数的育龄时间里,她们有着性行为,但并不愿意怀孕,要么是因为对她们的“时机不好”,要么因为不想再要更多的孩子。 |
During mounting and using, radial clearance and axial clearance can be adjusted and preloaded mounting can be made.
在安装和使用过程中可以调节轴向游隙与径向游隙,也可以预过盈安装。 |