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Lack of fund can be a drawback if you wanted to invest in a sure thing.

Lack of ego-strength can make you feel helpless. 学习相缺乏自我力量会使你觉得无助。
Lack of enough rest would suffer day's work badly. 睡眠不足严重影响白天的工作.
Lack of esteem; disfavor. 轻视;不喜欢,厌恶
Lack of evidence resulted in their acquittal. 因证据不足而宣判他们无罪.
Lack of food may stunt the growth. 缺乏食物可能妨碍发育。
Lack of fund can be a drawback if you wanted to invest in a sure thing. 如果你要对确有把握的事投资,资金短缺会是个障碍。
Lack of funding is making our job more difficult. 资金短缺使我们的工作更加困难。
Lack of funds and chronic inexperiece were feeding self-doubts. 缺乏资金和增长缓慢让我对自己产生了怀疑。
Lack of funds can be a drawback if you want to invest in a sure thing. 如果你要对确有把握的事投资,资金短缺会是个障碍。
Lack of funds for campaign compelled his withdrawal. 由于缺乏资金,他不得不退出竞选。
Lack of guidance and support from boss. 上司的指导及支持不足。

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