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Frequent travel will be required.

Frequent international exchanges also provide copious opportunities for mutual fertilization with foreign artists. 中外版画艺术交流的频繁,也为版画家提供了互相学习、借鉴的良好机遇。
Frequent movement of household and workplace items so that the target knows this has been done by an intruder but cannot prove it. Skewing of furniture and bedding is common. 家里和工作场所的物品经常的移动,所以受害者知道这是一个入侵者做的,但不能阻止它。家具和床褥被挪动是经常性的。
Frequent or repetitive stretching to the end range of motion or awkward, angled postures can bind the joints. 经常或重复身体运动、畸形的姿势会挤压关节。
Frequent osteoclast-like giant cells are present. 常见破骨样巨细胞。
Frequent serious accidents that inflict heavy loss of life and property have taught us a sobering lesson. 重大安全事故接连出现,给人民群众生命财产造成严重损失,教训极为深刻。
Frequent travel will be required. 能够适应经常出差。
Frequent unsuccessful attempts to urinate, distressed meowing while attempting to urinate, lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting and reluctance to move are symptoms that may signal urinary obstruction in a male cat and may constitute a medical emergency. 经常尝试排尿失败、排尿时会痛苦的喵喵叫、嗜睡、胃口变差、呕吐和不爱移动都有可能是公猫泌尿道阻塞的信号,也同时会构成危急的情况。
Frequently ask your self the #1 time management question of all time: What's the best use of my time…RIGHT NOW? 总是频繁的问自己一个问题:现在我做什么事情最有价值?
Frequently functioning as members of an interdisciplinary team, music therapists implement programs with groups or individuals addressing a vast continuum of outcomes, including reduction of pain and anxiety, stress management, communication, and emotiona 音乐治疗师经常作为治疗小组中的一员参与小组和个体治疗,其应用广泛,包括消除疼痛、减轻焦虑、应对应激、人际交往和情感表达。
Frequently poor glycemic control during adolescence is blamed on non-adherence to diabetes management tasks (DMTs). 青少年血糖控制效果不佳通常导因于其遵从行为不当。
Frequently seen in public or in the media. 常在公共场合露面的常在公共场合或新闻媒介露面的

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