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The diagram of the reactor vessel internals is used as a reference.

The diagonal squares have G scores of 14. 斜角的方块G值为14。
The diagonal stripes separate two triangular areas: green at the Upper corner of the hoist and blue at the lower corner of the fly. 镶有黄边的黑色宽带斜贯旗地的右上角和旗杆一边的左下角,将旗地分隔成两个三角形,靠旗杆上方的三角形为绿色,旗面飘端下方的三角形为兰色。
The diagram below is a cross-section of a typical dwelling in a ZED. 下面的图表是一个典型的ZED住宅纵剖面。
The diagram had been copied with great precision. 该图表的复印件很精确。
The diagram is self-explanatory. 该图表本身即很清楚.
The diagram of the reactor vessel internals is used as a reference. 将反应堆容器与内部构件的简化图作为参考。
The diagrams and explanation in the manual are correct when issuing. 手册中的图片及解释在出版时是正确的。
The dial has to be suitable for the demonstration of the inductive current from the slow input and output rodlike magnet in coil of 300 spirals. 刻度线必须适合来演示在300圈螺旋线圈中慢慢抽进抽出的棒壮磁条所产生的感应电流。
The dial indicators are equipped with shockproof mechanism to ensure the relable accuracy and long tool life. 百分表具有防震机构,使用寿命长,精度可靠。
The dial records showed a very slight variation in pressure. 刻度盘显示出压力有极微小的变化。
The dial records very slight variations in pressure. 刻度盘显示出压力有微小变化.

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