But I said to myself, I want neither dreams nor poetry, least of all tradition, never the ftill moon.Korea even in her shattered state had these. |
中文意思: 但是我对自己说:“我既不要梦想也不要诗意,更不要一切传统,决不要满月。” |
But I read Shanghai Baby in no time flat.
这回先看了《上海宝贝》,却看得飞快?? |
But I realize that I can't expect her to share my prima vista intuition sight unseen, or my feeling that the anomalies in the iconography count in favor of my attribution rather than against it.
但我明白,不能期望她和我一样的高瞻远瞩,或者和我有一样的感觉:这些图解学上的悖反现象很重要,对我判断作者是谁是有利而不是有害。 |
But I realized to have manliness in working is one thing and having it outside of work is another story completely.
但是孤独感有时候或多或少能平衡压力,这让我有时候也觉得孤独是一种享受。 |
But I remember that he took off his Turkish cap and swung it in a circle to get my attention.
他觉得既然拿了我们的报酬,就应该履行职责,带领我们沿河而下,而且还应该讲些各种各样的故事逗我们开心,缓解旅途中的劳累。 |
But I said a community center, not a schooI.
但是我说的是我们的社区中心,不是学校。 |
But I said to myself, I want neither dreams nor poetry, least of all tradition, never the ftill moon.Korea even in her shattered state had these.
但是我对自己说:“我既不要梦想也不要诗意,更不要一切传统,决不要满月。” |
But I said, I have labored to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing.
4我却说,我劳碌是徒然,我尽力是虚无虚空,然而我当得的理必在耶和华那里,我的赏赐必在我神那里。 |
But I said, How I will put you among the sons, And give you a pleasant land, An inheritance of the most ornate of the nations!
19我说,我多么愿意将你安置在众子之中,赐给你可悦之地,就是万国中极佳美的产业! |
But I said, How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations?
19我说,我怎样将你安置在儿女之中,赐给你美地,就是万国中肥美的产业。 |
But I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me!
我却说,我消灭了,我消灭了,我有祸了。 |
But I saw him myself in a disco as large as life, dancing with a girl half his age.
可是我在一家迪斯科舞会上亲眼看到他,千真万确,他在和一个年龄只他一半大的姑娘跳舞。 |