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Since introduced design and manufacture technology of Fuller grate cooler in 98, the grate cooler technology of our country has experienced updating and development of the first, second and third generation.

Since Middle 70's of last centuries, along with analytical technology development and clinically utiliziation, researchers discovered that many kinds of dimentia, dialysis encephalopathy, osteomalacia and cellule amaemia are linked with aluminum. 自0世纪70年代中期以来,随着分析技术的发展及在临床上发现铝与多种神经失调疾病、骨软化症及小细胞性贫血等有关,引起人们愈益关注铝在生物学方面可能引起的问题。
Since Schultz brought forward the concept of human capital in 99, a lot of economists and scholars have been researching human capital theory. 自舒尔茨99年提出人力资本以来,很多经济学家和学者对人力资本理论的研究日益深入。
Since Van Leeuwen and Heyman defined the concept of almost nilpotent ring in 97, there have been a series of papers discussing the lower radical which is determind by the class of almost nilpotent rings and its two subradicals. 自97年Van Leeuwen和Heyman定义了几乎幂零环以后,有一系列文章讨论由几乎幂零环确定的低根和它的两个子根。
Since human beings enter into the industrial era,the development of science and technology has brought huge spiritual and material wealth and created modernized style of human production and life. 自从人类进入工业时代以来,科学技术的发展给人类带来巨大的精神财富和物质财富,创造了现代化的生产、生存方式。
Since in piling hundreds of g hammering acceleration acting on the pile, whether the test will succeed or fail depends on the impact-resistance character of the impedor. 由于桩身在打桩过程中承受数百个g的锤击加速度,因此,阻抗变换器的抗冲击性能是这一测试成功与否的关键。
Since introduced design and manufacture technology of Fuller grate cooler in 98, the grate cooler technology of our country has experienced updating and development of the first, second and third generation. 自98年引进富勒篦冷机设计和制造技术以来,我国的篦冷机技术已完成了第一代、第二代、第三代的技术更新和发展历程。
Since perfluorocarbon liquids was applied in vitreoretinal surgery for the first time by Stanley Chang in 987,its function in vitreoretinal surgery is the same as viscoelastic in anterior segment surgery. 氟碳液体自987年Stanley Chang首次在玻璃体视网膜手术中应用已0a,氟碳液体在玻璃体视网膜手术中的作用相当于粘弹剂在眼前段手术中的作用。
Since the discovery of filovirus family(including Marburg and Ebola viruses) over forty years has gone,yet its natural epidemical history remains unclear. 丝状病毒(包括马尔堡与埃波拉病毒)被发现已有0余年,对其自然流行病学尚不清楚。
Since the existence of physiognomy that can be simulated by hemispherical canyon, the displacement of the ground will be magnified, which can be used as a factor in practical project. 弹性半空间中,由于存在可以用半球形峡谷模拟的地貌的存在,地表位移会被放大,这种放大的结果可以作为实际工程的一个考虑因素。
Since the time of 90's, the eminent geographical location and considerable oil reserves have brought the great focus on the energy development in the Caspian Sea region with the conversion in the geopolitics structure in the Caspian Sea region. 九十年代以来,随着里海地区地缘政治结构的变化,里海地区显赫的地理位置与沿岸丰富的油气储量引发了对该地区能源勘探开发的热潮。
Singing a Strong Patriotic Song by Hoarse Throat——Culture Contiousness in Traditional Patriotic Literal Works 用嘶哑的喉咙 歌爱国之强音——浅析传统爱国主义文学作品的文化意识

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