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He was famous for sentimental storytelling, but his new novel is subtle, humorous and fluid.

He was exposed to art when he was a little child. 他小的时候受到了大量的艺术熏陶。
He was faced with the severe financial burden. 他面临着严重的财政负担。
He was famous as a soldier. 作为军人,他很有名望。
He was famous both as a novelist and as a statesman. 他不但是个著名的小说家,也是个出色的政治家.
He was famous for his skill and dash. 他的技能和冲劲很出名。
He was famous for sentimental storytelling, but his new novel is subtle, humorous and fluid. 他以感性的叙事技巧著称,但是他的新书奥妙、幽默又流畅。
He was far from the attainment of this object. 他远未达到自己的目标。
He was fast asleep with his mouth open. 他张着嘴,睡得很酣。
He was fat with a little black moustache. 他是个留着一小撮黑胡须的胖子。
He was fated to die young. 他注定英年早逝。
He was fawned over at different times by Donald Rumsfeld and by George Galloway, a left-wing British MP. 他也曾得到过唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德和乔治·加洛维(一位左翼的英国下议院议员)的奉承。

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