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A shampoo and set costs 8.
洗头、 做头发共8英镑.

A shallow subsurface nuclear explosion produces a large crater, obliterating facilities within its radius and any just beyond it where strong stresses rupture the earth. 浅层地下核爆会造成庞大的弹坑,炸毁半径内所有的基地,强大的应力还会击碎土壤,一并毁去弹坑附近的基地。
A shallow vat or tub used chiefly by brewers. 大浅桶主要供酿酒商用的一种浅的盆或缸
A shaman basically has hunter armor but can't kite nearly as well. 一个萨满只剩下跟猎人一样的防御,而且还不能象猎人一样放风筝。
A shame that our very encouraging start to the season, something that all Arsenal fans could share, has been completely overshadowed by the news that broke yesterday. 遗憾本来一个球迷们可以共享的,相当鼓舞的赛季的开始,却因昨天那个新闻而使其失色(译者语:也干扰了享受温格在最后一分钟给我们带来的签下又一个新人的惊喜)。
A shame the triumph lasted only two years. 可惜的是,这场胜利只持续了两年。
A shampoo and set costs 8. 洗头、 做头发共8英镑.
A shampoo, please. 请给我洗一洗头。
A shantytown on the outskirts of a city, especially in France or North Africa. 市郊贫民区一个城市周边的棚户区,尤指在法国或北非一带
A share in all the blessings you have just read about. 你就能分享我们刚才读过的所有福气。
A share of money, food, or clothing that has been charitably given. 救济品一份食品或衣物等救济品或救济金
A share or quota, as of troops, contributed to a general effort. 分遣队为全体之努力而作出贡献的部分或配额,如部队的分遣队

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