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He found a baby bird under a tree and guessed it had fallen from its nest. He wanted to retrun the little bird to his home.

He fought tooth and nail to stop the county from pulling down the old church. 他竭力阻止县里拆除那座老教堂。
He fought valiantly and defeated the Amalekites, delivering Israel from the hands of those who had plundered them. 48扫罗奋勇攻击亚玛力人,救了以色列人脱离抢掠他们之人的手。
He fought with us against the slavery. 他同我们一道与奴隶制进行斗争。
He fouled the same player again in the second half. 他在下半场对同一运动员再次犯规.
He found a 5)suspicious set of 6)muddy footprints. 他发现一组可疑的泥巴脚印。
He found a baby bird under a tree and guessed it had fallen from its nest. He wanted to retrun the little bird to his home. 父亲发现树下有一只雏鸟,猜想可能是窝里掉下来的,他想把这小鸟送回窝里去。
He found a big hole in the bottom of the crate! 竹篓下面有个好大的洞呀!
He found a can of beer in the refrigerator behind some brownish lettuce and those hot dogs Evey never got around to cooking . 他在冰箱里发黄的莴苣菜和那些埃维从来也不做的热狗后边找到一罐啤酒。她随时都有可能回家。
He found a car abandoned in the desert. 他发现一辆车被遗弃在沙漠里。
He found a clue to solve the mysterious affair. 他发现解开那椿神秘事件的线索。
He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, so he reached out and took it and killed a thousand men with it. 士15:15他见一块未乾的驴腮骨、就伸手拾起来用以击杀一千人。

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