Qiao Zhisheng, et al. Comparison of pharmacological activities of different Radix Morindae Officinalis species, Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine. 1991; 11(7):415.
乔智胜,等?巴戟天、鄂巴戟天和川巴戟天药理活性的比较?中西医结合杂志1991;11(7):415. |
Qiao convince her sister to sell fish.
乔说服她的姐姐去卖鱼。 |
Qiao grabbed the coin and ran off.
乔抓起硬币就跑了。 |
Qiao has often inconsiderate to his family.
乔常常不体谅他的家人。 |
Qiao is subversive of feelings.
乔是破坏感情的。 |
Qiao rob my lots of money.
乔抢我的钱。 |
Qiao starve for news for Liu,but it’s all late.
乔渴望得到刘的消息,但是一切都晚了。 |
Qiao was looking at her reflection in the mirror.
乔看着自己在镜中的映像。 |
Qiaoshi Rubber &Plastics has first-rate manufacturing facility and equipment.
乔士公司拥有一流的生产环境和生产设备。 |
Qidong DongPu Hardware Co., Ltd.(Qidong No.2 Standard Fastener Plant) located in shore of east China sea, the Yellow Sea outpost and face Shanghai each other to the river.
启东市东浦五金有限公司(原启东市标准件二厂)座落在东海之滨,黄海前哨与上海对江相望。 |
Qidong Huayou is established on the basis of good service content of network, comprehensive scheming technology, advanced management concept and qualified staff.
启东华友具有良好的网络服务内容、广泛而密切的策划技术体系、先进的管理理念、高素质的员工队伍,组成了启东华友的主体。 |