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Luanda, Angola, 08 Dec – UNITEL, the Angolan private mobile phone operator, which is part-owned by Portugal Telecom, has reached a total number of 1 million customers, the company said in Luanda Thursday.

1 LuLu:Yeah~I didn't know that you're such a brain!Now all we have to do is to be ready for this super deal trip! 已记 看解释
2 Luan Tou and Li Qi compliment each other. 已记 看解释
3 Luanda, Angola, 02 Dec – The Association of Diamond-Producing Countries will be created in Luanda in 2006 and its priority will be to standardize legislation among member countries, the Angolan government said Thursday. 已记 看解释
4 Luanda, Angola, 06 Dec – Marine signaling along the entire length of the Angolan coast will be in operation by the end of the year, Angola's Transport Minister André Luís Brand?o, told news agency Angpop Sunday. 已记 看解释
5 Luanda, Angola, 08 Dec – An agreement for South Korea to Loan Angola US$31 million for a project to modernize agriculture in the country is due to be signed Friday in Luanda by representatives from both governments, the Angolan authorities said Thursday. 已记 看解释
6 Luanda, Angola, 08 Dec – UNITEL, the Angolan private mobile phone operator, which is part-owned by Portugal Telecom, has reached a total number of 1 million customers, the company said in Luanda Thursday. 已记 看解释
7 Luanda, Angola, 14 Dec – Consumer prices in the Angolan capital of Luanda rose 18.98 percent between November 2004 and November 2005, Angola's National Statistic Institute (INE) said Tuesday. 已记 看解释
8 Luanda, Angola, 30 Nov – Angolan oil exports to China have increased almost seven-fold between 2001 and 2004, the largest increase among all its export countries, Angolan National Bank figures show. 已记 看解释
9 Luanda, Angola, 12 Dec – The Angolan economy could grow by a further two percent per year if the country increased company efficiency and improved conditions for small and medium-sized companies, the World Bank (WB) said in a report published Monday. 已记 看解释
10 Lube lines are extended through shaft guards for easy accessibility. 已记 看解释
11 Lubman, Stanley,1967, Mao and Mediation: Politics and Dispute Resolution in Communist China, 55 Calif. L. Rev. 已记 看解释

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