Griff: I had a music teacher who was a lesbian; you guys are gay, right?
女孩:我曾经有一个音乐老师,她是同性恋。你们两个也是吧? |
Griffin - Sets forth the property of a valorous soldier whose magnanimity is such that he will dare all dangers, and even death itself, rather than become captive.
狮鹫-出征的勇士以其无畏的精神敢于对抗一切危险,宁愿阵亡也决不被生俘。 |
Griffin has described the shift of money as a “speed bump,” a temporary measure to get human spaceflight back on course.
葛里芬曾形容经费移转就像是「减速突障」,是让载人太空飞行任务恢复常轨的暂时措施。 |
Griffin never worked out and Jefferson has been playing All-Star basketball for New Jersey.
格里芬什么也没有做到,而杰夫森已经在新泽西参加了全明星赛。 |
Griffin went before Congress in February as the bearer of bad news: “Fulfilling our commitments on the International Space Station and bringing the Crew Exploration Vehicle online in a timely manner, not later than 2014 and possibly much sooner, is a high
葛里芬在今年2月前往国会,担任坏消息的传信者:「在这段期间,比起这些其他的太空任务,我们优先兑现对国际太空站的承诺,并且最晚于2014年,甚至更快建造完成载人太空探索飞行器。」 |
Griffin went cap in hand to the administration but was told to make up the difference from the agency's own wherewithal.
最严重的莫过于,有一项对太空梭与国际航空站的新分析发现,它们短缺20亿美元,葛里芬恭敬地请示政府当局,却被告知得用总署自己的钱来填补缺口。 |
Griffin, D. R. Animal Thinking. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1984.
《动物思维》。剑桥,麻州:哈佛大学出版社,1984。 |
Griffin: They come, your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own.
狮鹫:他们来了,陛下。人数众多,武器精良。 |
Gril the marinaded chicken tights with butter till it cooked. Take it out for later use.
调味好的鸡腿放入热锅中煎熟.捞起备用. |
Grilled duck breast flavored with duck gravy and brandy, And apple gratin as the side dish.
八分熟的炭烤鸭胸以鸭骨熬煮的肉汁与白兰地佐味,搭配丁香焗烤苹果片的香甜。 |
Grilled fish is drier and less greasy than fried fish.
烤鱼比煎鱼干些并且油脂少些。 |