According to Bhavishya Purana and other texts, they were invited to settle in Punjab to conduct the worship of Lord Sun (Mitra or Surya in Sanskrit).
根据《未来往世书》和其他文献,他们被邀请迁入到印度西北部地方,管理太阳主神的崇拜(密特拉或梵语的苏尔耶)。 |
According to Brinkman, as the brain evolved, one side became specialised for fine control of movement (necessary for producing speech) and along with this evolution came righthand preference.
根据Brinkman,认为的大脑发展,一面变得专门很好的控制行为(产生语言能力的需要)并且沿着这种发展成为惯用右手偏好。 |
According to Businessweek, she is probably the most influential national security adviser since Henry Kissinger in the 1970s.
按“商业周刊”的说法,她可能是继在上世纪七十年代基辛格之后,最有影响力的国家安全顾问。 |
According to CCTV news report, Monding these team beat a dog, is at midnight secretly traces to house, suddenly crazily knocks the wash bowl, which hears to have the dog to call, flushes kills the dog immediately.
剧cctv上新闻的报道,牟定的这些打狗队,是深夜时候偷偷摸到住户家,突然狂敲脸盆,听到哪家有狗叫,就冲进去立刻将狗打死。 |
According to CNNIC, currently China has 42.8 million broadband Internet users.
根据CNNIC的数据统计,目前中国的宽带接入用户数为4280万人。 |
According to CNNIC, the number of China's Internet users under 24 years old was 58 million, about 35.8 percent of the country's total Internet population.
据中国互联网络信息中心数据,中国24岁以下的网民达到5800万,占网民总数的35.8%。 |
According to CTM theory, the occurrence of diseases is the incoordination between Yin and Yang and the treatment of diseases is the reestablishement of the equilibrium between them.
根据中医理论,疾病的发生是阴阳失调所致。而疾病的治疗就是阴阳的平衡。 |
According to Cannon, Chelsea are habitually paying over the odds for players.
根据卡能,切尔西是习惯性地过高买入球员。 |
According to Chicago Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed, authorities are investigating if the shooter was a Chinese national who arrived in the U.S. last year on a student visa.
今天发生在弗吉尼亚理工大学的特大枪案凶嫌身份初步认定:该行凶男子是一名持学生签证来美国就读的中国留学生,现年二十四岁。但警方称他不是弗吉尼亚理工大学的学生. |
According to China Meteorological Administration's forecasts, the year's first sandstorm struck Beijing last Friday with further windy cold fronts from the Mongolian steppe expected to shroud Beijing in a yellow, dusty haze.
中国国家气象局预报说,今年第一次沙尘暴上星期五袭击了北京,从蒙古来的冷空气峰面预料会使北京笼罩在灰黄的沙尘中。 |
According to China's Regulations on Hygienic Standards for Cosmetics, cosmetics should not contain chromium or neodymium.
依据中国化?菻~卫生标准的规定,护肤品是不能含有钕和铬的。 |