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In other studies of mutant (knockout) mice that fail to express the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), smaller infarcts develop and the mice have less severe neurologic deficits than normal mice (61).

In other patients,pathological features showed 17 fibroedenoma,4 intraduct papilloma,2 breast cyst,10 mammary dysplasia and 1 caldfication without particular reason. 另外乳腺纤维瘤17例,导管内乳头状瘤4例,乳腺囊肿2例,乳腺腺病10例,不明原因钙化灶1例。
In other places it rises more than 10,000 feet above sea level. 在另一些地方却高达海拔一万英尺。
In other seasons there might be 20 of us and only a few of them. 如果是在别的季节,我们这边的人马大概会有20个,而对方只会有几个。
In other situations, this is not the case. 在另一些情况下,却并非如此。
In other sports,such as baseball and American football,the players' energy moves parallel to the ground and towards their opponents,so they wear helmets which give adequate protection to their heads. 在其它运动中,例如棒球和美式足球,选手的力量与地面平行并朝向对手,所以他们戴着头盔以给予头部足够的保护。
In other studies of mutant (knockout) mice that fail to express the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), smaller infarcts develop and the mice have less severe neurologic deficits than normal mice (61). 其他一些研究变异(被击昏的)老鼠的试验没有能够表达一氧化氮合酶(NOS)的神经元对碘氧基苯甲醚,但是出现的梗死梗小,而且与正常的老鼠相比,老鼠的神经学缺陷也不那么严重(61)。
In other studies, viral vectors have been used to introduce therapeuticgenes into the central nervous system. 在其他的研究中,研究人员用携带腺病毒载体把治疗基因带入中枢神经系统。
In other transfer news, Serie B outfit Treviso have surprisingly snapped up Alessandro Moro from Udinese on a loan deal with an option to buy half his contract at the end of the season. 其他的转会消息,意乙球会特雷维索令人称奇地从乌迪内斯租借亚历山德罗-莫罗一个赛季,并将在赛季结束后拥有其优先一半购买权。
In other violations by the trust bank, the FSA said the group had used trust assets as conduits for tax avoidance schemes, had failed to meet personal identification verification requirements and had engaged in sales that gave rise to conflicts of interes 日本金融厅称,信托银行的其它违规行为还包括,利用信托资产作为避税计划的通道,未能达到个人身份认证要求,而且参与引发利益冲突的销售。
In other violence five U.S. servicemen died in several attacks, including three in a roadside bombing. 在其他暴力事件中有五名美国军人在几次袭击中丧生,其中包括三次路边炸弹爆炸。
In other violence ten Shiite passengers were killed and fifty people kidnapped when Sunni gunmen ambushed a convoy of minibuses at a fake checkpoint. 在另一场暴力事件中,逊尼派持枪暴徒在一个假冒的检查站伏击了一个面包车护航队,10名什叶派乘客被杀、50人遭到绑架。

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