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3 Penalties: Any provision of the Documents providing for the payment by a party of any amount (including interest) on overdue sums or any other amount payable in the event of a breach of any Document may constitute a penalty and be irrecoverable.

3 Papa got a very long ladder. 爸爸拿来了一个很长的梯子。
3 Paris Hilton's publicist says Hilton has been known to have a drink or two, but she was clearly not intoxicated when she got home after being released from jail Thursday. 巴黎希尔顿的发言人说周四希尔顿只是喝了一两杯,但是很明显在被释放回家后可以看出她并没有喝醉。
3 Party B shall complete the tasks agreed on schedule and guarantee the quality of work. 按期完成工作任务,保证工作质量。
3 Party B shall during the term pay all property management fee at RMB15.00/sm/month of the leased unit and deposit required to be payable to ShiDu Mansion Property Management Office. 乙方在租赁期间须缴纳其房屋的物业管理费和保证金,物业管理费为每月每平方米人民币15元正。
3 Peaple who cann't distinguish between colours are said to be colour-blind. 不能辨别颜色的人叫色盲.
3 Penalties: Any provision of the Documents providing for the payment by a party of any amount (including interest) on overdue sums or any other amount payable in the event of a breach of any Document may constitute a penalty and be irrecoverable. 罚金:文件中任何规定由一方就逾期未付的款项而支付任何一笔金额(包含利息)或就该方在任何文件下的违约而应支付的任何其他金额的条款可构成罚金,且为不可撤销的。
3 People will grow bamboo in the forests the pandas. 人们将在森林里种植竹子熊猫。
3 Perhaps I am too used to the quicker pace with my previous employer and found my present situation unsatisfactory. 3可能以为我在以前的公司时间长了,节奏比较快,所以也有点不适应。
3 Personal protective equipment must be used which has been identified through the Workplace Risk Assessment/Job Safety Analysis. 必须穿戴经工作场所危险评估和工作安全分析认定的人身防护设备。
3 Please do not use the fan in the environment of corrosive gas or liquid. (请不要将风扇置于腐蚀的气体和液体内.)
3 Prior to the client visit on the scheduled date, a comprehensive evaluation of preparations for the reception must be made in conformity to the <Preparation/Affirmation Record for External Audit> with QA department and any adjustments required, such as 3在客户来访当天在客户访问前需和品保依<外部稽核准备/确认记录表>了解各准备事项的完成状况(一般突发状况:如生产是否有停工、待料/品质异常等)进行综合评估,并视需要和品保研讨调整变更行程/参观时段。

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