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A similar (though more rapid) diminution accompanies the reversing of the sun's magnetic field, which happens every 11 years or so.

A silver coin formerly used in Great Britain and worth five shillings. 五先令先前在英国使用且面值为五先令的银币
A silver gull slips down from the west. 一只银色的海鸥从西边滑落。
A silver wedding. 银婚纪念日
A silver-bearded electrical contractor with a love for fishing has won Key West's Ernest Hemingway look-alike contest. 一位长有花白胡子的电力工程师,赢得了在美国东彻斯特举行的最像海明威竞赛的第一名。有趣的是,这位“海明威”的业余爱好也是钓鱼。
A silversmith named Demetrius, who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought in no little business for the craftsmen. 24有一个银匠,名叫底米丢,是制造亚底米神银龛的,他使这样手艺人生意发达。
A similar (though more rapid) diminution accompanies the reversing of the sun's magnetic field, which happens every 11 years or so. 太阳磁场的两极颠倒每隔大约11年出现一次,并且太阳磁场的效力也出现的类似的下降,尽管有些迅速。
A similar approach is now common among oil-producing countries, which, it is estimated, account for two-thirds of the assets in these sovereign-wealth funds, and are keen to diversify their national revenues, aware that their wealth is being pumped away. 在产油国同样的方法普遍存在,据估计,这些国家占了主权财富基金总资产的三分之二,意识到他们的财富正在被抽离,因而急于使他们的国民收入投资多元化。
A similar association, as of merchants or artisans, in medieval times. 行会中世纪时商人或工匠组成的类似协会
A similar authorized tribunal having military or ecclesiastical jurisdiction. 审判庭相似的被授权的法庭,具有军事和宗教司法权
A similar board used as a percussion instrument. 敲击板用作打击乐器的一种类似的板
A similar change happened in 1801. 1801年发生过一次类似的转变。

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