You must use this Serial Number to activate and enable your product for use.
您必须使用该序列号激活产品,方可使用本产品。 |
You must use wet blanket/clothes to cover the holes, and use to water to cool down the temperature.
要用浸湿的被褥、衣物等堵塞窗缝,并泼水降温。 |
You must use your time wisely and have proper rest.
你们必须好好利用时间,并作适当的休息。 |
You must value your family because it gives your stability.
你必须注重你的家庭关系因为它给你安全感。 |
You must value your relationships because they give your fulfillment.
你必须注重你的人际关系,因为它让你有满足感。 |
You must wait in line when you wait for a bus.
当你等公共汽车时,你必须排队等候。 |
You must wait till I come back.
你必须等到我回来。 |
You must want to do it but it is for a longer period of time.
知道你很想做这件事,但是还要等一段时间。 |
You must watch your step so as not to fall down.
你必须留心脚下才不会跌下去。 |
You must water the plants this evening.
你必须今晚给植物浇水。 |
You must wear leather gloves when replace welding rods. Don't be barehanded.
更换焊条一定要戴皮手套,不要赤手操作。 |