At least one person in Lebanon was killed by unexploded ordnance as refugees began returning to their home.
在难民返回家园的过程中至少有一人死于原先未爆炸的遗留军火。 |
At least one scamster is currently using the Internet ScamBusters site as a reference. This is a scam! We do not endorse any specific investments or investment companies.
一种欺诈老手目前正利用“网托”站点作幌子。这不过是一种欺诈而已!我们并没签署任何具体投资或投资公司。 |
At least one year's experience in animation industry or two years' experience on rendering.
至少两年的效果图渲染工作经验。 |
At least seven people were reported killed Thursday as Kabul came under intense attack from U.S.-led air strikes on Afghanistan, sources told CNN.
美国继续攻击喀布尔和坎大哈,消息人士告诉CNN:在美国领导的对阿富汗的空中打击中,至少7人于星期四被杀。 |
At least she is a paragon with her feet on the ground.
她至少是一个脚踏实地的特殊人物。 |
At least since the 1980s, many states have tended to interpret the government's eminent domain power extremely broadly.
至少从二十世纪八十年代,许多洲倾向于极度宽泛地解释政府的征用权。 |
At least six sites were all but inaccessible, including those of the foreign and justice ministries.
至少有6个网站几乎就无法进入,包括了外交部与司法部的网站。 |
At least so the argument goes, especially among [color=red]radical types[/color] who are inclined to [color=red]write off[/color] America's whole strategy in the region as one of mercantilism backed by bombs.
但至少争论还在继续,特别是在某些比较激进的言论中,美国在伊拉克地区的整体战略被看作是一个由炸弹支持的商业主义,他们倾向于把它一笔勾消。 |
At least some elliptical galaxies, as well as the bulges and halos of spiral galaxies, may have arisen from such collisions.
至少螺旋星系的核球与晕,以及某些椭圆星系,可能是由此种碰撞产生的。 |
At least tell us if you've secretly hiked up to the Registry of Marriages in these last eight months.
至少让我们知道在过去八个月里妳是否曾偷偷跑到婚姻注册局。 |
At least that was the plan.
至少当时是这样计划的。 |