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A German-made Amphicar is making quite a splash in New Bern, North Carolina.

A German singer who plays Snow White has lost her job at Dresden\'s Christmas fair after posing for nude photos in a bathtub, Bild newspaper said on Monday. 图片报报道:德国有个唱歌的,还演过白雪公主,最近因为拍了一个在浴缸里面的裸体造型,结果醉死等城圣诞节表演不要她了。
A German student who won 1 million euros (670,000 pounds) in a television quiz show wants to use part of his jackpot to pay for his parents' wedding. 一名德国学生在一场电视智力竞赛中赢得百万欧元的奖金,他决定用其中的一部分为父母操办一场奢华婚礼。
A German who won 1.5 million Deutschmarks playing lotto eight years ago admitted recently he committed a string of burglaries after the cash trickled away. 一名八年前玩乐透赢得一百五十万马克的德国人,最近坦承他在千金散尽后,犯下一连串窃盗案。
A German woman left her friend as a deposit at a gas station because she did not have enough cash to pay for her petrol. 一位德国妇女由于没有足够的现金支付油钱,所以把她的朋友留在加油站当抵押。
A German worker tries to reconstruct ripped files that the former East German secret police, the Stasi, tried to destroy. 一名德国工人努力重组前东德秘密警察「史塔西」撕毁的档案。
A German-made Amphicar is making quite a splash in New Bern, North Carolina. 一辆德国制造的水陆两栖汽车在北卡罗来纳州新伯尔尼引起了人们的注意。
A Germany expert named Max Planck certainly thinks so. 一位名叫马克思·普朗克的德国专家显然持有这种看法。
A Give the right form of the words in parentheses. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise. 用正确的动词时态填空,完成练习后再对照课文核对你的答案。
A Glaxo flier last month promoted a four-year regimen of lamivudine, with favorable statistics superimposed on a Pacific island scene. 上月葛兰素分发了推动4年拉米夫定方案的小册子,在太平洋岛屿的背景上加上了对自己有利的统计数字。
A Gloucestershire village located approximately 25 miles north of Bristol. 格洛斯特郡的一个村庄,离布里斯托尔大约北25英里。
A Go on. Come to the party. You'll enjoy it. 去吧。去参加晚会吧。你会很开心的。

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