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Although Assyrians switched to Aramaic, it was not wholesale transplantation.

Although Aloe Vera is a member of the Lily family, related to onions, garlic and asparagus, it is very-cactus like in its characteristics. 尽管芦荟属于百合科,与洋葱、大蒜和芦笋是近亲,但其功效则与仙人掌十分相似。
Although America was spared the mayhem of Europe's auctions, its design still had a few problems. 尽管美国的这次拍卖幸免于欧洲那样的混乱,但这个计划同样存在一些问题。
Although Americans have different views on many issues, they tend to agree on one subject: taxes are too high. 尽管美国人在很多问题上有不同的看法,但他们在一个话题上的意见总是一致的:税收太高。
Although Americans have different views on many issues,they tend to agree on one subject:taxes are too high. 虽然美国人在许多事情上持有不同的观点,但在这一观点上却倾向一致:赋税太高了!
Although Ashley Cole's ankle injury makes him a major doubt for Saturday, the player is able to give the low-down on one section of the Reading side he knows well. 尽管由于脚踝伤势,阿什利·科尔还在为星期六的比赛烦恼不已。他依然给我们提供了他所知道的雷丁队的弱点。
Although Assyrians switched to Aramaic, it was not wholesale transplantation. 虽然亚述语被阿拉母语取代,它却不是被完整移植的。
Although Augustine's City of God provided the inspiration for this work, there can be of course no comparison between the great African theologian's magnum opus and my feeble attempt. 尽管奥古斯丁的「上帝之城」是本书的灵感来源,我这本微不足道的书却无法与伟大的非洲神学家奥古斯丁的堂皇钜着相提并论。
Although Aunt Petunia is neither a witch nor a Squib, there is a little bit more to her than meets the eye,and we will find out what that is. 关于分院帽在这本书中比前六本中有更多的情节;我们会发现它在第七本书中“变成了什么”(难不成又是一个摄魂器??!!)
Although Beckham was on the field for only 12 minutes, plus four minutes of stoppage time, every move he made sparked an eruption of cheers from the capacity crowd of 27,000. 尽管上场只有12分钟的时间,再加上4分钟的暂停时间,但贝克汉姆场上的每一个动作都博得全场2万7千名观众的阵阵喝彩。
Although Beijing currently only boasts two subway lines and two light rail tracks, three more underground lines are under construction and slated to be completed by 2008 when the city hosts the Olympic Games, the China Daily said. 中国日报称,尽管北京目前只拥有2条地铁线路和2条轻轨,但是另外三条地下线路正在建设中,计划在2008年奥林匹克运动会前完工。
Although Blue Nile's website is specifically designed for its male consumers, women represent an untapped market for Blue Nile therefore a specially designed page for women should be created, with a link from the top of the home page. 虽然蓝色尼罗河网站是专门为男性设计的,但女性却是它尚未开发的市场,因此,也应当为女性设计一个特别页面,并将链接放在网站首页上方。

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