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He stayed at school instead of going home .

He stated that the services subject to price controls were listed in Annex 4 by their respective CPC codes. 他表示,属政府定价的服务均按其CPC编码列在附件4中。
He stated the unpleasant facts barely. 他公开地说出不愉快的事实。
He states emphatically that he never seems to miss a trick with his staff. 他强调他对下属是明察秋毫,无所不知。
He stationed military commanders in all the fortified cities in Judah. 又在犹大各坚固城内,设立勇敢的军长。
He stayed at Lehigh for a master's degree. 他在里海大学攻读硕士学位。
He stayed at school instead of going home . 他呆在学校而不回家。
He stayed at the office until late at night. 他很晚才离开办公室,
He stayed awhile in London and then left for Paris. 他在伦敦待了一下子,随后转往巴黎。
He stayed in Beijing for above (over) a month. 他在北京住了一个多月。
He stayed in London for over a month. 他在伦敦待了一个多月。
He stayed in bed all day instead of going to school. 他没去上学,而是在床上躺了一整天。

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