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But the tape recorder was left stuck.

But the system remained largely intact. 但是法律制度基本没什么改变。
But the tables quickly turn when markets fall, as investors seek to steady their portfolios. 但市场下跌的时候情况就反过来了,因为投资者们试图稳住自己的投资组合。
But the takeover also shows that there is still life in the PC business—and will be for years to come. 但是,合并动作同样也显示个人电脑市场现在仍然拥有活力,并且在未来的几年前景同样看好。
But the tale illustrates a general point too: that even the maddest manifestations of economic nationalism give way in the end to the pressure of globalisation. 但这一事例也说明了一个普遍的观点:即使是最疯狂的经济国家主义最终也会屈从于全球化的压力。
But the talks come as Mr Packer moves to give up control of the media empire his father built and step up investment in his more profitable gaming operations. 但詹姆斯?帕克正在采取行动,放弃对其父建立的媒体帝国的控制权,转而加大对利润更为丰厚的博彩业务的投资力度。
But the tape recorder was left stuck. 但是磁带记录机却粘著了。
But the tax collector, standing at a distance, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, God, be propitiated to me, the sinner! 13那税吏却远远的站着,连举目望天也不敢,只捶着胸说,神啊,宽恕我这个罪人!
But the team showed good character and resilience and we defended well and we've come out with the right result. 但是我们的队伍表现出了好的作风和意识,当然我们的防守也做的很好,我们迎来了一个好的结果。
But the technique isn't for everyone. 但是这一技术也并非众人皆宜。
But the telescope is deteriorating. 但哈勃望远镜正在变得糟糕起来。
But the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed. 园户竟打了他,叫他空手回去。

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