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After a fortnight's torture, the unfortunate man got an opportunity to escape the misfortune.

After a field experiment and data analysis, the main conclusions are following: (1) Information presentationhas no effect on attitude toward the advertisementand attitude toward the brand; (2) Complexity of information feedbackhas effect on attitude towar 主要研究结果如下:(1)「广告信息呈现方式」不会对广告态度、品牌态度生成影响效果;(2)「回馈信息复杂度」会对广告态度、品牌态度生成影响效果;(3)「再试」的有、无,会对广告态度、品牌态度生成影响效果;(4)「广告信息呈现方式」与「回馈信息复杂度」的交互作用,会对广告态度生成影响效果,但不会对品牌态度生成影响效果;(5)「广告信息呈现方式」、「再试」的交互作用,不会对广告态度生成影响效果,但会对品牌态度生成影响效果;(6)「回馈信息复杂度」、「再试」的交互作用,会对广告态度、品牌态度生成影响效果;(7)「
After a fierce battle the enemy was forced to retreat. 激战之后,敌人被迫撤退了。
After a five-hour strike by air-traffic controllers, the government agreed to their demands for higher pay and for some to be transferred from the air force to a civilian agency. 巴西航空运输业在五个小时的工人罢工之后,政府满足了他们的要求,给工人支付给多的工资并且将一部分业务转交给国内的航空运输商。
After a flawless demonstration, you will trip on your way back to your seat. 经过了一个完美的示范,你将行,你就回到你的座位.
After a follow-up period of 4 months, the infant had normal neurological development except for mild microcephalus. 病人临床上已无抽筋的表现,亦无发育迟缓,但却有头围过小的情况。
After a fortnight's torture, the unfortunate man got an opportunity to escape the misfortune. 经过两星期的拷打后那个不幸的人得到了逃脱不幸的机会.
After a four-hour train ride, the drowsy boy flung himself into a chair and was soon sound asleep, and was hard to rouse. 坐了四小时火车,那男孩昏昏欲睡,一屁股坐在椅上,不消一会已熟睡,难以把他唤醒。
After a four-month campaign by Indian animal lovers, the government relented and said it would not gift a baby elephant to Armenia, it was reported. 在印度爱好动物人士奔走四个月后,政府起了怜悯之心,表示不会将一只小象当作礼物送给亚美尼亚,报导指出。
After a four-year survey, scientists at the Institute of Cancer Research in London and three British universities found no link between regular, long-term use of cell phones and glioma. 通过4年的研究,伦敦肿瘤研究所的科学家们和三位British大学学者发现,长期地固定地使用手机和神经胶质肿瘤之间没有必然联系。
After a four-year war, peace was declared at last. 经过四年的战争,终于宣告了和平。
After a glitzy presentation ceremony in front of 8,600 screaming fans, the former England captain defiantly insisted he was not winding down his career and retained the same hunger for success that he had as a teenager. 在于8600尖叫的粉丝面前炫目出现在欢迎典礼之后,这位前英格兰足球队队长坚决表示他会永远热爱它的事业,并将永远保持如青年时代对成功的渴求之心。

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