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This camera is equipped with a magic eye.

This calls for the lasers to be very finely tuned and the fuel pellet to be perfectly smooth, so that the implosion is symmetrical and fusion occurs. 这需要精确调节激光,燃料球必须光滑,这样内爆才会对称,聚变才会发生。
This calls for the sacrifice of self, not indulgence of self. 这将唤起自我牺牲,而不是放任自我。
This came after a ceasefire agreement announced late Friday, a deadly day of battles between the two sides. 上周五是双方战争伤亡惨重的一天,而在该天宣布停火协议之后发生了周六的枪战。
This camera comes with a year's guarantee. 这照相机有一年的保用期。
This camera has a built-in flash . 这架照相机有内置闪光灯.
This camera is equipped with a magic eye. 这架相机装有一只电眼。
This camera will sure give you every satisfaction. 这种照相机保证令你满意。
This camera will surely give you every satisfaction. 这部照相机一定会使您十分满意。
This campaign included 11 television ads that aimed to prevent youth from starting smoking by informing them about strategies used by the tobacco industry to popularize smoking. 这场反烟媒体运动包括了11个电视广告,旨在通过揭露烟草生产商为了吸引人们吸烟而采用的(广告等)计谋,从而阻止年轻人开始吸烟。
This campaign may not be finished on our watch -- yet it must be and it will be waged on our watch. 此役难毕成全功于本届,但必会也将会在本届发起。
This can add a significant cost to a company's operations and inject new discipline in a company's financial bookkeeping. 这样就会给公司增加一大笔运营成本,同时公司财务管理方面也要引入新的规则。

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