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448 The systematic hydrostatic test (dry run , hot test, dynamic test, actual start-up ) is scheduled for next Monday.

446 According to the regulations, sir, you'll have to reimburse the bank for the amount paid. 根据规定,先生,您应该补偿银行付的那笔款了。
446 The mechanical completion check list of the unit has been approved by both of the Buyer's and Seler's representative. 这个装置的机械竣工检验表已由买方和卖方的代表审定。
447 I want to buy some traveler's checks. 我想买些旅行支票。
447 I want to buy some traveller's checks. 我想买些旅行支票。
447 We should start the installation according to the instruction and operation manual. 我们应该根据说明书和操作手册来开动这个装置。
448 The systematic hydrostatic test (dry run , hot test, dynamic test, actual start-up ) is scheduled for next Monday. 系统水压试验(学习、加热试验、动力试验、实际开车)定于下星期一进行。
449 Have you got your cheque book with you? 您支票本带来了没有?
44I hope I packed everything, this trip is so spur of the moment. 我希望我装好了所有的东西,这真是趟心血来潮的旅游.
44th to be exact, with Sabah and Sarawak of East Malaysia joined Malaya to form Malaysia on 16 September 1963. 实际上是四十四岁,东马的沙巴和砂劳(拉)越于1963年9月16日加入马来亚,组成了马来西亚。
45 After sot It would be one of the stories of the World Cup should Poslish-born Poldolski send Poland crashing out. 如果出生于波兰的波多尔斯基将波兰队送出了小组赛,那将是本届世界杯的看点之一。
45 Chelsea substitution Half-time change as Pizarro replaces Kalou up front. 第45分钟,切尔西换人:皮萨罗替换卡劳上场。

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