Double white and pink fantasy star/dark purple tips. Medium green, ovate, quilted, fluted. Semiminiature trailer. |
中文意思: 重瓣白色和粉红色喷点星形花,花瓣端有深紫色。中绿色圆形叶,叶脉向上气状突起,叶缘有凹槽。半迷你悬垂型。 |
Double temperature: It is difficult to cater for all tastes as some like tea and some like iced water.
双温模块:公司人多总是众口难调,有的要沏茶,有的要喝冰水。 |
Double the door locks function with each other, can make the air circulate to reduce to lowest extent, prevent froming crossing an infection, satisfying to seal completely a request.
双门互锁功能,可使空气流通减少到最低程度,防止交叉感染,满足密封要求。 |
Double their workload.
加倍他们的工作量。 |
Double top and bottom does not need any introduction as it speaks in any timeframe.
双头和双底就不用多说了,它可以应用在任何时间框架内。 |
Double white and blue. Variegated, longifolia, wavy. Miniature trailer.
重瓣花,白色和蓝色相混,斑叶,长叶脉,波浪型。迷你悬垂型。 |
Double white and pink fantasy star/dark purple tips. Medium green, ovate, quilted, fluted. Semiminiature trailer.
重瓣白色和粉红色喷点星形花,花瓣端有深紫色。中绿色圆形叶,叶脉向上气状突起,叶缘有凹槽。半迷你悬垂型。 |
Double white and purple-blue.
重瓣,白色和深紫到蓝色的花。 |
Double white fluted/dark red stripe. Dark green, plain, quilted. Standard.
重瓣花,白色中有深红色的内缟。深绿色叶,叶面平坦,叶脉有凸起。标准型。 |
Double white frilled/rose-pink shading, edge. Medium green, glossy. Miniature.
重瓣折边花,白色底,玫瑰粉色镶边并粉饰于花色中。中绿色光滑叶。迷你型。 |
Double white large star/blush-purple eye, yellow blush. Medium green, plain. Standard.
重瓣大朵白色星形花,深紫色的眼,黄色的刷印。中绿色一般型叶。标准型。 |
Double white large star/bright red mottling.
重瓣大朵星型花,白色底,明亮红色晕染。 |