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A select group were invited to the wedding reception.

A seemingly mutual obsession ensues, but gradually spirals downward into a web of desire and misperception. 他们似真似假的互相缠绵情境一幕又一幕地出现,但事实却是慢慢卷入一个充满欲望及歪念的情网。
A seesaw can be turned into a ramp by placing blocks on one end, for example. 打个比方,如果将秋千板拉到某一方,它就可以荡起来。
A seismic sense could help to explain certain types of elephant behaviour. 震动感知能力可以帮助解释大象的某些行为。
A select few, however, are willing to take that risk. 然而极少数人却愿意冒这个险。
A select group of people were invited to the first performance. 经仔细挑选的一些人应邀观看了首场演出。
A select group were invited to the wedding reception. 一群经过挑选的人士被邀请参加婚宴。
A selection from our roast trolley will be carved at your table or peruse our menu for your favourite dish. 在餐桌上将雕刻出我们的烧烤车上的食品菜单或细数您最喜爱的食物。
A selection of services was expensive in Amsterdam while food was cheap. 阿姆斯特丹的一些服务项目价格高昂,但食品却便宜。
A selectively controlled radiant energy mapping apparatus having a separate transmitter and receiver located, respectively, in a controllable vehicle and at a predetermined location relatively remote from the vehicle, is used to illuminate a target area w 一台独立的发射和接收器的雷达在可控制的车辆受控制预定的位置定位,被用来接受具有敏感的的雷达目标区域至少一些目标区域的部份反射,为了使目标区域的反射能够被收受者收到,一辆操作的车辆中在预定的位置比较远离车辆的飞行器。
A self-centered person shows little regard for the feelings of others. 自我为中心的人几乎 不顾及别人的感情.
A self-confident, attractive, gentle, kind and sweet woman, Just looking for a nice man who can be my best friend/ soul mate/ husband/ lover. 一个自信的,吸引人的,善良的,甜蜜的女人,寻找一个好男人,一个我最好的朋友和知音,一个最后的爱人。

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