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A Florida boy who was abducted at gunpoint in this Tampa Bay area neighborhood is safe, but the gunman is still at large.

A Fire Department spokesman says the family have been without electricity for at least a month, and were using candles for light. 消防部门发言人说家庭断电至少有一个月并用蜡烛光。
A First Response to Gedo Senki,the Earthsea film made by Goro Miyazaki for Studio Ghibli. 对于由吉卜力工作室的宫崎吾朗所制作之地海电影「格得战记」之第一回应。
A Florida appeals court has upheld the decision to bury Anna Nicole Smith in the Bahamas. 佛罗里达上诉法庭决定维持将安娜尼科尔史密斯安葬在巴哈马的决定。
A Florida appeals court issued a stay in the dispute over Anna Nicole Smith's body, ruling that her remains cannot be moved to the Bahamas until the court hears a challenge from her estranged mother. 佛罗里达州的一家上诉法庭对安娜?妮可?史密斯遗体争论问题作出暂时不动的决定,法庭在审理她疏远母亲的问题(审理了与她关系疏远的母亲的上诉)后,才能裁决其遗体是否移到巴哈马。
A Florida attorney says Anna Nicole Smith will be buried in the Bahamas after a day of courtroom drama. 经过一天戏剧性的庭审,一名佛罗里达州的律师表示安娜?妮可?史密斯将被埋葬在巴哈马。
A Florida boy who was abducted at gunpoint in this Tampa Bay area neighborhood is safe, but the gunman is still at large. 在这个佛罗里达州坦帕湾近郊的地区,一位被枪口胁迫尔绑架的男孩已经安然无恙,但歹徒却依然在逃。
A Florida boy who was abducted at gunpoint in this Tampa Bay area neighborhood is safe. 在坦帕海湾地区附近,一名被持枪绑架的男孩现在安然无恙,但是歹徒仍未被捕。
A Football Association spokesman, however, was quoted as saying: FIFA regulations prevent us from taking retrospective(3) action. 足联发言人说:“国际足球联盟规定不允许进行事后判罚。”
A Fore's comic envelope number one Mulready caricature franked with a penny black is shown at Brown's Hotel in London May 21, 2007. 在英国伦敦的布朗饭店内,展示一封贴有「黑便士」邮票的威廉.穆莱迪讽刺漫画信封。
A Foreign Ministry spokesman said he knew of no plans for a second test. 外交部一名发言人说他不知道是否有再次进行试验的计划。
A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said there was no issue involving a request from China. 外交部一位女发言人称,中国根本没有提出过此类要求。

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