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Cartoonist Tony Auth reverses Superman's routine to make a tongue-in-cheek comment on California's new governor, 56-year-old muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Cartoon Characters are very popular among children. 卡通人物是孩子们的最爱。
Cartoon art is a kind of world culture. 动画艺术是一种世界性的文化。
Cartoon characters are always full of life and vigor at any time. 卡通人物总是充满着生机和活力。
Cartoon movies have their special mechanism of artistic genesis. 摘要动画影片具有独特的艺术生成机制。
Cartoon play writing is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn's horn , nobody shows any interest in, a group of desolate business. 而动画片剧本创作却是凤毛麟角,无人问津,一派冷冷清清的市面。
Cartoonist Tony Auth reverses Superman's routine to make a tongue-in-cheek comment on California's new governor, 56-year-old muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger. 漫画家托尼·奥特把超人的这一惯常做法倒了过来,用以取笑加州新州长———56岁的肌肉发达的阿诺德·施瓦辛格。
Cartoons are no longer just for kids. 卡通片不再仅仅是为了孩子。
Cartoons such as Snow Whiteand The Lion Kingshape the childhoods of countless kids . 像《白雪公主》和《狮子王》之类的卡通片影响了无数孩子的童年。
Cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing. 开枪后子弹从枪膛里弹出去。
Caruncle A fleshy outgrowth from a seed, similar to, but smaller than, an aril. 种阜:外种皮延伸所形成的结构,与假种皮相似但通常小于假种皮。
Carvalho has undoubtedly flipped over his exclusion from the Chelsea team at Wigan last weekend. 毫无疑问,卡瓦略对他在上周对阵韦甘的比赛中不能上场感到不满。

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