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Mentally responsive and perceptive; quick.

Mentally Audible : Fully 30% of psionic weapons telepathically mutter, croon, recite battle poems, scream, or produce other mental “noises” when first drawn, at first blood, or when they slay a significant enemy. 心灵可闻:至少30%的灵能武器在第一次出鞘、第一次见血或干掉一个重要敌人时会以心灵感应方式嘀咕、低吟、背战诗、尖叫或产生其他心灵“噪声”。
Mentally and emotionally you are likely to lose out if you let your heart rule your head. 让感情左右了头脑会从精神上和感情上发现很失败。
Mentally ill persons unable to exercise their voting rights shall not do so after confirmation of their cases by an election committee. 三、精神病患者不能行使选举权利的,经选举委员会确认,不行使选举权利。
Mentally ill; insane. 疯狂的精神病的;狂乱的
Mentally renouncing all fruitive activities, the self-controlled embodied being within the physical body of nine openings; free from thinking he is the actual doer of anything and free from thinking he is the cause of anything resides happily. 在精神上断绝与所有获利行为的联系,自控的灵性从思想中解放出来,他就是无不为者,他就是万物之源,他就愉悦地内居于九门城中(肉体中)。
Mentally responsive and perceptive; quick. 思维敏捷的思维反应迅速且感觉灵敏的;快速敏捷的
Mentally stable; sensible or sound. 思想稳健的;头脑明智的或清醒的
Mentally toughened; strong-minded. 坚韧的有独到见解的;意志坚强的
Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of dos and donts. 至少在大多数人的心里会编排出一份“应做什么”和“不应做什么”的令人生畏的单子。
Mentholatum sheer color lip balm is a new product loved by young girls. 曼秀雷敦透明润唇膏时新推出的产品,受到女孩子们的青睐。
Mention dog ignoredumplings, we may have to ask : Is this the dog ignoredin the end how to reality, the dog really ignore the animals people? 提到“狗不理”包子,大家可能要问,这“狗不理”到底怎么来的,现实中,狗这种动物真的不理人吗?

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