The Work for Pre-project : Shawan Science and Technology Bureau arranged with Qinghua University Scientific Research Development Division and Northeast University Mineral Material Research Center to cooperate on the production technology, technics and equ
项目前期工作:沙湾区科技局与清华大学科研开发部、东北大学矿物材料研究中心接洽,双方愿就该项目生产技术、工艺及设备进行全面合作。 |
The Work for Pre-project : The basic establishments have been started up by the National Science Development Agriculture Committee [2001] No. 322 and Sichuan Plan Agricultural Economy [2003] No. 573rd documents approval.
项目前期工作:基础设施建设已经启动,经国科发农社字[2001]322号、川计农经[2003]573号文批准立项。 |
The Work for Pre-project : The feasibility is being carried out.
项目前期工作:正在进行可行性论证。 |
The Work for Pre-project : The item lay-out and the project design have been completed.
项目前期工作:已完成项目规划和方案设计等前期工作。 |
The Work for Pre-project : Wutongqiao has established the salt industry colony for 25 thousand tons ore concentrate of rare-earth production and 8 processing enterprises.
项目前期工作:五通桥区现已建成年加工2.5万吨稀土精矿的盐化工业集中地,内有稀土加工企业8家。 |
The Work of Byron Katie is a deeply transformative process of inquiry that is helping people around the world approaches their problems from a perspective of clarity and inner peace.
拜伦凯蒂的澄心作业以质问方式带来内心深层的蜕变,它正帮助全世界的人用清澈了悟和内在平安的眼界来面对自己的各种问题。 |
The Workers are on strike against bad working conditions.
工人们正在罢工反对恶劣的工作条件。 |
The Workers' Communist Party of Denmark (in Danish Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne, abbreviated APK) was founded at the Founding Congress, held in Copenhagen, April 20 – 23, 2000.
丹麦工人共产党于2000年4月20日至23日在哥本哈根的成立大会上宣告成立。 |
The Working Group is responsible for leading and coordinating IPR protection work all over the country and overseeing the handling of major cases.
保护知识产权工作组负责领导并统筹协调全国的知识产权保护工作,督办重大案件。 |
The Working Group will normally define a time schedule and issue a Working Draft of the proposed standard, describing the work in progress.
工作组将会确定一个时间表,并讨论所提请标准的相关议题草案,以描述工作进程。 |
The Working Party published an Interim Report and Consultative Paper in November 2001. A period of public consultation followed.
工作小组于2001年11月发表了《中期报告及谘询文件》,随后便是一段谘询期。 |