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Tee Hee: Oh, the other way is twice as simple. Just stick your hand in it's mouth and pull out all it's teeth. Heh, heh!

Tedious fiddling about with mice and joysticks will become irritants of the past. 单调乏味的鼠标和操纵杆将成为历史。
Tedious, monotonous, or uninteresting work of any kind. 平庸的作品冗长,单调,令人感到乏味的作品
Tedlow, R. Giants of enterprise: seven business innovators and the empires they built. New York: Harper Business, 2001. 《企业巨人:7位商业创新者和他们创建的帝国》(中译本名)纽约,哈珀商务出版社,2001年。
Ted:Hey, hey, I'm not a stalker. I'm not a stalker, all right? She's a friend of mine. 嗨,嗨!我可不是要跟踪她的变态狂,知道吗?她是我的朋友。
Ted:I'm… I'd go for the seven. 我,呃…我当然会选七分钟的。
Tee Hee: Oh, the other way is twice as simple. Just stick your hand in it's mouth and pull out all it's teeth. Heh, heh! 噢,另一个方法是简单两倍的。只是把你的手放进牠的口并拔掉牠的牙齿。嘻,嘻!
Tee Hee: One way is to jab a pen right above it's eye. 其中一个是用铅笔插牠们眼上的地方。
Tee Hee: There are two ways to disable an alligator, Mr. Bond. 有两个方法可弄走鳄鱼的,邦先生。
Tee time booking:10 days in advance. 开球时间预订:提前10天预订。
Tee time interval:8 mins one tee time. 开球时间间隔:8分钟为一个开球时间。
Tee-Hee:One way is to take a pencil and stick it in the pressure area above its eye. 一种方法是用铅笔戳住鳄鱼眼睛上方的压力区。

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