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This delicate device will also give you visual enjoyment and add positive effect to your room decoration.

This delay has caused some hindrance to my plans. 这一个耽搁已对我的计划造成妨碍。
This delay in the dynamical response give rise to a non-vanishing area of magnetization-field loop, a phenomenon we term dynamic hysteresis. 滞回现象在铁电铁磁等诸多我们称之为铁性的材料中出现。
This delay is the result in the slowing down of time, which has been the result of the multiple drops in frequency on Earth. 此延迟是时间慢下来的结果,是地球的频率多次下降所造成的。
This delay was to have tragic results. 这样的延误即将导致悲剧的结局。
This delegation by over 20 famous figures in Macau property circles highly praised the concept of design in human-living environment and high quality property management these years in Zhuhai property industry after visiting the sites of Royal Dragon Moun 考察团由澳门房地产界的20多名知名人士组成,在参观了珠海的御龙山庄、岭南世家、华发新城三个楼盘后,澳门同行对珠海房地产业近年来注重人居环境的设计理念,追求高质量的物业管理给予高度评价。
This delicate device will also give you visual enjoyment and add positive effect to your room decoration. 小巧式气压闭门器,为您提供视觉上的美感和美化装饰的效果。
This delicate glass must be treated with care. 这精巧的玻璃杯处理时要小心。
This delicious salad features the tang of citrus and the piquancy of hot pepper sauce. 这盘色拉的特色就是有着很浓的柑橘味和辣椒酱的辛辣味。
This demand directly reflects the narrative skill of its author; thus, offering different levels of art popularization. 这种需求直接反映在作者的叙事技巧上,因此呈现出不同层次的「大众化」艺术。
This demand, say some Chinese academics, will impede government efforts to eradicate the villages. 中国的一些学者表示,该需求会阻碍政府根除村庄的努力。
This demarcation was reinforced by internal convulsions within the Moslem world culminating in the accession of the Abbasid Caliphate (750), which moved the Islamic capital from Damascus to Baghdad. 这一分界线因穆斯林世界的内部骚动而得以加强,阿拨斯王朝的建立(750年),伊斯兰教首教从大马士革迁移巴格达,结束了这种骚动。

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