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John sweat blood in order to finish building his house on time.

John stands rivet to the spot, even without moving an eyelid at all ,for he knows whom the director's remarks are aimed at. 约翰一动不动,连眼睛也不眨一下,因为他知道主任的那番话是针对谁说的。
John stayed in college through fair and foul, because he wanted an education. 约翰用尽任何方法都要留在大学,因为他想要进修。
John struck in with a suggestion that we should leave at once. 约翰插嘴提议说,我们应该马上离开。
John studied for three hours and then read a comic book for a change of pace. 约翰念书念了三个小时,为了调剂一下,找来一本漫画书翻翻。
John suggested going out for lunch. 约翰建议出去吃中饭。
John sweat blood in order to finish building his house on time. 约翰为了按时建成他的房子,拼死拼命地干活儿。
John taught math for twenty years. 约翰已经教了20年的数学。
John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. 可1:4照这话、约翰来了、在旷野施洗、传悔改的洗礼、使罪得赦。
John the Divine in New York City, and the Third Sacred Concert at Westminster Abbey in London. 当有人问他为什麽花了那麽久的时间才完成了这些演奏会,他回道:「您可以胡乱演奏世俗音乐,但您不能愚弄上帝。」
John then sees a lamb on the earth and angels proclaiming the fall of Babylon. 约翰后来又看见地上一只羔羊,以及天使们预言巴比伦的倒塌。
John then sees a new heaven and a new earth come into being. 约翰于是看到一个新天新地诞生了。

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