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Slat Lake City WinterOlympics in 2002------Light the FireWithin.

Slanting or curving upward; ascending. 向上的向上倾斜或弯曲;上升
Slap-slap-slap-slap… Around and around a submariner goes, the soft-soled shoes beating a rhythm on the hard, shiny floor in a Trident submarine. “啪嗒-啪嗒-啪嗒-啪嗒”,一位潜艇艇员一圈又一圈地跑着,软底鞋在三叉戟潜艇坚硬明亮的甲板上有节奏地敲击着。
Slash - a very common swipingattack. 延-太普通了刷卡攻击.
Slashing and burning (incidentally, no agricultural system is closer to being traditional) destroys our ancient forests. 伐木和焚烧(顺便说,没有什么农业系统更接近于“传统的”)毁灭了我们的原始森林。
Slashing interest rates would help to prop up house prices and encourage households to keep borrowing and spending. 大幅度下调利率将有助于支撑房价并鼓励家庭持续贷款和支出。
Slat Lake City WinterOlympics in 2002------Light the FireWithin. 盐湖城冬季奥运会------点燃心中之火。
Slate, B. R. The Covenant and the Grid: Toward New Suburban Tracts for America.1993. 契约与格子状:美国朝向新郊区住宅土地开发>,1993.
Slaughter and May, the only one of the five not to have gone global, has the joint second-highest profit margin among the top 50. 五大律师行中唯一还没有全球化的利达律师行在全球利润率最高的50个律师行中排名第二。
Slaughter it in the LORD'S presence at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. 11你要在耶和华面前,在会幕门口,宰这公牛。
Slave pens and the Palaces of the Goblin Princes of Trade are located in Undermine. 地精贸易王子的宫殿和奴隶的窝棚都位于安德麦。
Slavers in France would send their shirts to be washed in the streams of the Caribbean isle of St Domingue, now Haiti; the water there was said to whiten the linen better than any European stream. 法国的奴隶贩子会把他们的衬衫送到加勒比海圣多明戈岛上(如今的海地)洗,据说那里的溪水比欧洲的溪水好,能把亚麻布漂洗的更白。

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