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Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Can players decorate their house? 玩家是否可以装饰自己的房子?
Can players fall off crossovers. 球员会不会因为玩胯下运球而摔倒?
Can players learn new skills without gaining a level? 玩家在升级后能否学习新的技能?
Can plunder be taken from warriors, or captives rescued from the fierce? 24勇士抢去的岂能夺回,该掳掠的岂能解救吗?
Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. 能针对广泛的主题,创作清晰详尽的篇章,并有能力针对某一特定议题来阐述观点,解释各种不同观点的优缺点。
Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. 能清楚的针对复杂的议题进行撰写,结构完整的呈现出体裁及其关联性。
Can product be manufactured to tolerances specified on drawing? 产品是否能按照图纸规定的公差生产?
Can put a whole box of boards in the machine once. The machine will put the heated board to outlet automatically. 整叠板放入箱内后,即可从取出口取板冲切。该机会将预热后的即板自动托至取出口。
Can rapidly absorb moisture content and unusual smell.solidifies when touches pet's excrement. 产品接触宠物排泄物后可迅速吸收其中水分和异味并凝结成团,用工具及时铲除固结成团物。
Can read designs as U-storage (limitless stitch)and TAJIMA,BARU-DAN and ZSK tormatted from floppy disk directly . 可快速读取优盘(无限针数)和田岛、百灵达格式的磁盘花样。
Can read, write traditional chinese. Familiar with IT terminology. 能够流利读写中文。熟悉IT术语。

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