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The prisoners were thrown bodily into the police van.

The prisoners were forced to lie prostrate in front of their captors. 囚犯们被迫在逮捕他们的那些人面前卧倒.
The prisoners were let out to work in the garden. 囚犯们被放出到花园里去劳动。
The prisoners were shot in cold blood. 犯人们被残酷地枪杀了。
The prisoners were taken to another jail under escort. 囚犯们被护送到另一个监狱。
The prisoners were thrown bodily into the police van . 囚犯被揪著推进警车.
The prisoners were thrown bodily into the police van. 囚犯被揪著推进警车.
The prisoners were treated fair. 俘虏受到公平待遇。
The prisoners wish to be free again. 囚犯们希望重获自由。
The prisons are overcrowded. 监狱人满为患.
The privacy belong to you and me. 这是你我之间的秘密。
The private Suzhou HaoShi Knitting Co. Ltd is involved an investrment of 9 million yuan and has 500 employees. The companyhas450 different types of knitting machines with an annul production of 700,000 germents. 苏州好时织造有限公司是一家私营企业,总投资900万元,现有职工500余人,拥有横机六针、九针、十二针、十四针机450台,年产各类针织服装70万件。

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