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Main side effects were dizziness in 7 cases (%), weakness in (.%) pruritus in (0.7%), thirsty in (7.%) and anorexia in (7.%).
主要副作用是头昏7例(%),乏力例(,%),皮肤搔痒 例(0,7%),口干例(7,%),食欲减退例(7,%),阴道痒感例( ,%)。

Magnolia biloba(Rehd. et Wils.) 凹叶厚朴[magnolia biloba(Rehd.et Wils.)
Main Problem and Supervision of Precast Reinforced Concrete Pile 钢筋混凝土打入桩的断桩与桩的挤土作用及其监理
Main characters of aphemia are oral expres sion ditorder. 临床表现以口语表达障碍为主要特点。
Main points of study on Hertwig′s epithelial root sheath Hertwig上皮根鞘的研究重点
Main reagent: ISCOVE'S modified DULBECCO'S medium (IMDM) culture medium (Hyclone, USA); 主要试剂:IMDM培养基(Hyclone,USA);
Main side effects were dizziness in 7 cases (%), weakness in (.%) pruritus in (0.7%), thirsty in (7.%) and anorexia in (7.%). 主要副作用是头昏7例(%),乏力例(,%),皮肤搔痒 例(0,7%),口干例(7,%),食欲减退例(7,%),阴道痒感例( ,%)。
Main signs consisted of hepatomegaly (98.%), emaciation( 0%), jaundice (.7%), ascites(%), spider angioma(%) etc. 主要体征有肝大(98.%)、消瘦( 0%)、脾大(9.7%)、黄疸(.7%)、腹水(%)、蜘蛛痣(%)等。
Mainly focus on the Library of curses . h函数库,GCC编译器以及Make文件,重点讨论了调用curses.
Major countermeasures taken by US police include followings: arrest on the spot,surveillance,drug trading trick designed by police in advance(trade under the police control),drug rummage; 美国警察侦查毒品的主要措施有 :现场拘捕、监视、设计买卖毒品的警察圈套 (控制不交付 )、毒品搜查等 ;
Major diseases among the cadres were cataract(7.8%),prostatic hypertrophy(.8%),hypertension( 8. 8%),hyperlipoidemia( .7%),fatty liver(.70%),coronary heart disease(.88%),diabetes mellitus(.99%),and gallstone(7.77%). 患病率以白内障居首位(7.8%),其次为前列腺增生(.8%),主要疾病为高血压病( 8.88%)、高血脂症( .7%)、脂肪肝(.70%)、冠心病(.88%)、糖尿病(.99%)、胆结石(7.77%)。
Major element analysis of pyrogenic rock samples with MeV neutron 用MeV中子活化分析火成岩样品中常量元素

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