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This is to certify that our company has received the contribution from Hongsheng Liang (Male, ID Card No. 440821511010001). The contribution details are as follows.

This is to be completed in the time it takes the body to roll to, decelerate, and stop at the maximum rotation angle and then to accelerate and roll in the opposite direction. 这个动作在身体滚动的同时完成,减速,并在最大转动角度停止然后加速并转动到另一边。
This is to celebrates New Year's Eve of busy with happiness! 这就是过年时的忙碌和幸福吧!
This is to certify that BAI Yang, female, born on 31 May 1982, has been studying at this school since September 2001. She will finish the second year course study in July 2003. 兹证明白洋同学,1982年5月11日出生,自2001年9月起在我校高中部学习。她将于2003年7月完成高中二年级课程的学习。特此证明。
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ,student ID No. , born on , has been studying in School of , ** University and specializing in since . 兹证明,男/女,学号,年月日出生,自年月起在**大学学院学习专业。
This is to certify that Zhang hanshu has won the First Prize in the SSP Cup English Contest for Junior High School Students of Shanghai in 2007. 八(四)班的张翰姝同学荣获2007年《上海学生英文报》杯上海市初中英语竞赛壹等奖。
This is to certify that our company has received the contribution from Hongsheng Liang (Male, ID Card No. 440821511010001). The contribution details are as follows. 你好。我的存款期很短,就7月份存进去的。我父亲是我的担保人,钱是从他的公司里面取出的。我为这笔的来源解释如下,是一份投资证明。
This is to certify that the bearer's Physical Examination Record for Foreigner accord with the requirement. 兹证明上列人员所持外国人体格检查记录,经过验证,符合要求。
This is to certify that the carriage(s) of container car specified below has (have) been approved for the transport of goods under Customs seal. 兹证明下述集装箱式货车车厢业经核准其运输海关加封货物。
This is to certify that the container design type described below has been approved and that containers manufactured to this type can be accepted for the transport of goods under Customs seal. 兹证明下述集装箱定型设计业经批准,凡按此型号制造的集装箱可准其运输海关加封货物。
This is to certify that two copies of Invoice、 Packing List and N/N Bill of Lading have been airmailed direct to applicant immediately after shipment effected. 兹证明发票、箱单和提单各两份副本,已于装运后立即直接航空快邮寄开证人。
This is to certify that two copies of invoice and packing list have been airmailed direct to applicant immediate after shipment. 兹证明发票、装箱单各两份,已于装运后立即直接航邮开证人。

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