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B:I agree a hundred percent. I know that it is out of style. But there's a reason I won't spend any money updating my looks.

B:His wife must be a good cook. 他的妻子定是个烹饪高手。
B:His wife passed away last week. At that time he wept a few crocodile tears and now he's preparing for his wedding again. 他太太上星期去世了。当时他假惺惺地滴了几滴眼泪,可现在呢,他又在筹办婚事了。
B:How do you do, Mr Brown? 你好,史密斯先生!
B:How long has your husband been in the States? 你丈夫在美国有多久了?
B:How was your Thanksgiving? 感恩节过得如何?
B:I agree a hundred percent. I know that it is out of style. But there's a reason I won't spend any money updating my looks. 我百分之百同意。我知道是过时,但我不花钱追上潮流是有原因的。
B:I agree. It's making me sleepy. 我同意。它让我想睡觉。
B:I am a sight-seer,can you introduce some places. 我是个观光者,你能介绍些好地方吗?
B:I am from Taipei. I am a student. What do you like to do? 我从台北来。我是学生。你喜欢做什麽?
B:I bought them in a flea market. They only cost me three bucks. 我在跳蚤市场买的。这副眼镜才花了我三块美金。
B:I bumped into her at the market just last week. 我上个星期才在市场碰到过她。

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