No country is so wild and difficult but men will make it a theater of war; concealed in the forest at the bottom of that military rattrap in which half a hundred men in possession of the exits might have starved an army to submission, lay five regiments o
没有任何一个国家如此疯狂和难以攻下的,但是人们却要把它变成一个战争的舞台;在一个只要50个人隐藏在其底部退路的森林里,就可以迫使整个部队因饥饿而投降的军事要塞,部署了5个联邦步兵团。 |
No country officially recognizes South O etia's independence or Kokoity as its president.
没有任何国家正式承认南奥塞梯独立或承认科科伊提为南奥塞梯总统。 |
No country officially recognizes South Ossetia's independence or Kokoity as its president. Georgian authorities called the poll illegitimate, and accused Russia of supporting and encouraging the separatist movement.
没有任何国家正式承认南奥塞梯独立或承认科科伊提为南奥塞梯总统。格鲁吉亚当局称这次全民公决是非法的,并且指责俄罗斯支持和鼓励分离主义运动。 |
No country should invade others in the name of anything.
任何国家都不应以任何名义侵略他国。 |
No country wants to wage a nuclear war.
没有哪个国家想要发动一场核战争。 |
No country will allow its own territory to be split off, nor will it allow any foreign force to create or support such a split.
任何一个国家都不会允许自己的领土分裂出去,也不会允许外国势力制造或支持这种分裂。 |
No country, of course, is bound to repeat history, and China has shed centuries of insularity to embrace foreign investment, trade and technology.
当然,没有哪个国家一定要重复历史,并且中国也已摆脱了数个世纪的闭关自守,而向外国投资、贸易和技术展开了怀抱。 |
No country, of course, is bound to repeat the history, and China has shed centuries of insularity to embrace foreign investment, trade and technology.
诚然,没有哪个国家必须要重复历史,况且中国也已摆脱了几个世纪来的闭关自守,并对外国的投资、贸易以及技术敞开了怀抱。 |
No course on every Sat. &Sun. (Jun. 23-24; Jul. 7-8; Jul. 28-29), and students can choose weekend local trip. The destination will be notified separately.
每周六、日(6月23、24日;7月7、8日;7月28、29日)没有课程安排,学生可选择周末出游活动,外出地点另行通知。 |
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention
在任何实现1996年通过的世界知识产权组织版权条约第11章中所述任务的法律,或者是禁止或限制这种破解方法的类似法律下,复盖程序都不会被认定为有效的技术手段的一部分。 |
No creative modifications are required to equip a Synergy N9.
没有创意的修改,须配备了协同n9. |